
Time Difference Between Korea and Other Countries

Check out the time difference between Korea and your home country! Jet Lag tips included!

Sung J LEE
5 years ago

Time Difference Between Korea and Other Countries & Jet Lag Tips

Hello, everyone! We are Creatrip, a group of Korean travel experts.

When traveling abroad, there is bound to be time differences in most places you visit. Although it may just be a 1-2 hour time difference, people who have a hard time dealing with time differences suffer severe jet lag and feel tired and the schedule they planned for the trip may get affected due to it.

So today I have prepared the time difference between Korea and a few countries in Asia as well as some great tips on how to get rid of Jet Lag fast!   

Now, shall we go take a look~  

Korea Travel Information | Time Difference Between Korea and Other Countries

Korea Time: Greenwich Mean Time(GMT) +9

Time Difference Between Korea and Other Countries & Jet Lag Tips

'Time Difference' refers to the difference in time between 1 area and another area. the Greenwich Mean Time that is used across the world adds or subtracts an hour for every area 15 degrees off from Greenwich. In the case of Korea which is 135 degrees east of England, the time is listed at GMT+9 to signal the time difference.

But not all countries around the world follow this method of measuring time difference. There are a lot of other countries in the world that use a different standard to measure time difference that have been influenced by various reasons relating to history, economics, and more.

Time Difference Between Korea and Other Countries & Jet Lag TipsTaiwan
GMT +8
1 hour slower than Korea
Time Difference Between Korea and Other Countries & Jet Lag TipsSingapore
GMT +8
1 hour slower than Korea
Time Difference Between Korea and Other Countries & Jet Lag TipsMalaysia
GMT +8
1 hour slower than Korea
Time Difference Between Korea and Other Countries & Jet Lag TipsHong Kong
GMT +8
1 hour slower than Korea
Time Difference Between Korea and Other Countries & Jet Lag TipsThailand
GMT +7
2 hours slower than Korea
Time Difference Between Korea and Other Countries & Jet Lag TipsIndonesia
GMT +7
2 hours slower than Korea

1. Taiwan: Greenwich Mean Time(GMT) +8

Time Difference Between Korea and Other Countries & Jet Lag Tips

Taiwan's standard time is GMT +8 and is 1 hour slower than Korea. For example if Taiwan is 07:00AM you can think that Korea is 08:00AM.

The flight from Taipei to Incheon International Airport is on average around 2 hours and 30 minutes so you can freely travel between the two countries without a huge worry about jet lag.

2. Singapore: Greenwich Mean Time(GMT) +8

Time Difference Between Korea and Other Countries & Jet Lag Tips

Singapore's Standard Time is the same as Taiwan at GMT +8 and so is 1 hour slower than Korea. For example if Singapore is 07:00AM you can think that Korea is 08:00AM.

But it takes on average a 6 hour and 30 minute flight from Singapore to Incheon International Airport so you may feel tired after the plane ride. This is why it is important to stay hydrated and get enough rest to reduce the possible jet lag you will face.

3. Malaysia: Greenwich Mean Time(GMT) +8

Time Difference Between Korea and Other Countries & Jet Lag Tips

Malaysia's Standard Time is GMT +8 and is 1 hour slower than that of Korea. For example if Malaysia is 07:00AM you can think that Korea is 08:00AM.

Just like Singapore it takes around a 6 hour and 30 minute flight from Kuala Lumpur Airport to Incheon International Airport so I advice you to check out the simple tips in the bottom of this post on how to deal with jet lag.

4. Hong Kong: Greenwich Mean Time(GMT) +8

Time Difference Between Korea and Other Countries & Jet Lag Tips

Hong Kong's Standard Time is GMT +8 and is one hour slower than Korea. For example if Hong Kong is 07:00AM you can think that Korea is 08:00AM.

It takes around 4 hours and 40 minutes from Hong Kong to Incheon International Airport by flight. It is not that long of a flight, but is not that short so it would be best to prepare for jet lag right?  

5. Thailand: Greenwich Mean Time(GMT) +7

Time Difference Between Korea and Other Countries & Jet Lag Tips

Thailand's Standard Time is GMT +7 and is 2 hour slower than Korea. For example if Thailand is 07:00AM you can think that Korea is 09:00AM.

The flight from Bangkok to Incheon International Airport gets as short as 5 hours and 20 minutes and as long as 6 hours and 20 minutes. As it has a longer flight time compared to other countries, I advise you to change your sleeping patterns and prepare for the jet lag starting 3 days before your flight.

5. Indonesia (Jakarta): Greenwich Mean Time(GMT) +7

Time Difference Between Korea and Other Countries & Jet Lag Tips

Indonesia has various times depending on the city you choose to go to. In the case of Jakarta, the Standard Time is GMT +7 and is 2 hours slower than Korea. For example if Indonesia (Jakarta) is 07:00AM you can think that Korea is 09:00AM.

It takes around 7 hours and 10 minutes from Jakarta to Incheon International Airport. As you have to spend a long period of time on the plane, if you do not prepare for jet lag you will feel really tired while traveling around Korea.

Check out the jet lag tips below for a better trip to Korea!  

Korea Travel Information | Jet Lag Tips

1. Stay Hydrated

Time Difference Between Korea and Other Countries & Jet Lag Tips

It may sound really obvious but staying hydrated is the most simple yet important factor. Especially if your flight is long you need to stay hydrated.

Flying in a dry and enclosed environment, the chances of you getting a cold is said to be a 100 times more than usual and you are more likely to feel more tired. Also, long flights can make your skin dryer up to 37% than usual causing various skin problems such as acne to arise.  

Time Difference Between Korea and Other Countries & Jet Lag Tips

But you can prevent this by washing your hands often and drinking a lot of water so I recommend you use moisturizing cream or mist on your skin and drinking water constantly on the flight.  

2. Avoid Coffee and Alcohol

Time Difference Between Korea and Other Countries & Jet Lag Tips

There are times where the flight gives you coffee, wine, or beer on the flight. Coffee and Alcohol break the rhythm of your body and prevent your body from properly relieving fatigue. Also, if you are on a long flight it can become a major factor in changing the way your body reacts through the nerves so I recommend you drink water or juice rather than coffee and alcohol.

Also if you want to enjoy a healthy and exciting trip it would be good to just not drink a lot starting from a few days before your trip right?  

3. Set your Time to Match the Time of your Destination

Time Difference Between Korea and Other Countries & Jet Lag Tips

There may be people that think would this actually help? But this is an actual way of overcoming Jet Lag used by many people.

The moment you get on the flight if you fix your phone and watch to the time of your destination, your brain will unconsciously adapt to the time displayed letting you feel less tired when you arrive at your destination.

If you are traveling to a destination with more than a 12 hour time difference, it is a good idea to adjust your life rhythm by adjusting your sleeping and eating time on the plane.  

4. Change your Sleep Schedule

Time Difference Between Korea and Other Countries & Jet Lag Tips

The biggest problem associated with Jet Lag has to be your sleep schedule. When traveling to destinations with big time differences, there are cases in which you are really tired but can't fall asleep when it's at night. In this case change your sleep schedule to match the schedule of your destination starts 3-4 days in advance so that you can adjust to the schedule of your destination right away so keep this in mind~  

This was a post regarding the Time Difference Between Korea and Other Countries & Jet Lag Tips. If you have any questions after reading this post, please contact us at help@creatrip.com!

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