Smiling model with trendy hairstyle, outerwear, and accessories at Juno Hair Salon in Centum City Station, Busan.
Smiling model with trendy hair and makeup, featuring eyebrows, eyes, and lips at Juno Hair in Centum City, Busan.
Model at Juno Hair Salon in Centum City Station, Busan, with a smiling expression, wearing outerwear, showing forehead, nose, lips, chin, eyebrows, and shoulders.
Model with a trendy hairstyle and a charming smile standing at the Juno Hair salon in Centum City, Busan. Focus on forehead, skin, lip, and chin.
Model showcasing layered hair and bangs at Juno Hair Salon in Centum City, Busan. Nose, lip, shoulder, eyelash, jaw, neck, and sleeve details.
Model with styled hair showcasing facial features, including forehead, nose, cheeks, lips, chin, eyebrows, eyes, eyelashes, and jaw, at Juno Hair Salon in Centum City Station, Busan.
Model showcasing Juno Hair's latest styles at Centum City Station in Busan, wearing an elegant dress shirt and outerwear, with a focus on her face, hair, lips, and eyebrow.
Smiling model with trendy hairstyle, outerwear, and accessories at Juno Hair Salon in Centum City Station, Busan.
Smiling model with trendy hair and makeup, featuring eyebrows, eyes, and lips at Juno Hair in Centum City, Busan.
Model at Juno Hair Salon in Centum City Station, Busan, with a smiling expression, wearing outerwear, showing forehead, nose, lips, chin, eyebrows, and shoulders.
Model with a trendy hairstyle and a charming smile standing at the Juno Hair salon in Centum City, Busan. Focus on forehead, skin, lip, and chin.
Model showcasing layered hair and bangs at Juno Hair Salon in Centum City, Busan. Nose, lip, shoulder, eyelash, jaw, neck, and sleeve details.
Model with styled hair showcasing facial features, including forehead, nose, cheeks, lips, chin, eyebrows, eyes, eyelashes, and jaw, at Juno Hair Salon in Centum City Station, Busan.
Model showcasing Juno Hair's latest styles at Centum City Station in Busan, wearing an elegant dress shirt and outerwear, with a focus on her face, hair, lips, and eyebrow.
Smiling model with trendy hairstyle, outerwear, and accessories at Juno Hair Salon in Centum City Station, Busan.
Smiling model with trendy hair and makeup, featuring eyebrows, eyes, and lips at Juno Hair in Centum City, Busan.
Model at Juno Hair Salon in Centum City Station, Busan, with a smiling expression, wearing outerwear, showing forehead, nose, lips, chin, eyebrows, and shoulders.
Model with a trendy hairstyle and a charming smile standing at the Juno Hair salon in Centum City, Busan. Focus on forehead, skin, lip, and chin.
Model showcasing layered hair and bangs at Juno Hair Salon in Centum City, Busan. Nose, lip, shoulder, eyelash, jaw, neck, and sleeve details.
Model with styled hair showcasing facial features, including forehead, nose, cheeks, lips, chin, eyebrows, eyes, eyelashes, and jaw, at Juno Hair Salon in Centum City Station, Busan.
Model showcasing Juno Hair's latest styles at Centum City Station in Busan, wearing an elegant dress shirt and outerwear, with a focus on her face, hair, lips, and eyebrow.
Smiling model with trendy hairstyle, outerwear, and accessories at Juno Hair Salon in Centum City Station, Busan.
Smiling model with trendy hair and makeup, featuring eyebrows, eyes, and lips at Juno Hair in Centum City, Busan.
Model at Juno Hair Salon in Centum City Station, Busan, with a smiling expression, wearing outerwear, showing forehead, nose, lips, chin, eyebrows, and shoulders.
Model with a trendy hairstyle and a charming smile standing at the Juno Hair salon in Centum City, Busan. Focus on forehead, skin, lip, and chin.
Model showcasing layered hair and bangs at Juno Hair Salon in Centum City, Busan. Nose, lip, shoulder, eyelash, jaw, neck, and sleeve details.
Smiling model with trendy hairstyle, outerwear, and accessories at Juno Hair Salon in Centum City Station, Busan.
Smiling model with trendy hair and makeup, featuring eyebrows, eyes, and lips at Juno Hair in Centum City, Busan.
Model at Juno Hair Salon in Centum City Station, Busan, with a smiling expression, wearing outerwear, showing forehead, nose, lips, chin, eyebrows, and shoulders.
Model with a trendy hairstyle and a charming smile standing at the Juno Hair salon in Centum City, Busan. Focus on forehead, skin, lip, and chin.
Model showcasing layered hair and bangs at Juno Hair Salon in Centum City, Busan. Nose, lip, shoulder, eyelash, jaw, neck, and sleeve details.
Model with styled hair showcasing facial features, including forehead, nose, cheeks, lips, chin, eyebrows, eyes, eyelashes, and jaw, at Juno Hair Salon in Centum City Station, Busan.
Model showcasing Juno Hair's latest styles at Centum City Station in Busan, wearing an elegant dress shirt and outerwear, with a focus on her face, hair, lips, and eyebrow.
Smiling model with trendy hairstyle, outerwear, and accessories at Juno Hair Salon in Centum City Station, Busan.
Smiling model with trendy hair and makeup, featuring eyebrows, eyes, and lips at Juno Hair in Centum City, Busan.
Model at Juno Hair Salon in Centum City Station, Busan, with a smiling expression, wearing outerwear, showing forehead, nose, lips, chin, eyebrows, and shoulders.
Model with a trendy hairstyle and a charming smile standing at the Juno Hair salon in Centum City, Busan. Focus on forehead, skin, lip, and chin.
Model showcasing layered hair and bangs at Juno Hair Salon in Centum City, Busan. Nose, lip, shoulder, eyelash, jaw, neck, and sleeve details.
Model with styled hair showcasing facial features, including forehead, nose, cheeks, lips, chin, eyebrows, eyes, eyelashes, and jaw, at Juno Hair Salon in Centum City Station, Busan.
Model showcasing Juno Hair's latest styles at Centum City Station in Busan, wearing an elegant dress shirt and outerwear, with a focus on her face, hair, lips, and eyebrow.
Smiling model with trendy hairstyle, outerwear, and accessories at Juno Hair Salon in Centum City Station, Busan.
Smiling model with trendy hair and makeup, featuring eyebrows, eyes, and lips at Juno Hair in Centum City, Busan.
Model at Juno Hair Salon in Centum City Station, Busan, with a smiling expression, wearing outerwear, showing forehead, nose, lips, chin, eyebrows, and shoulders.
Model with a trendy hairstyle and a charming smile standing at the Juno Hair salon in Centum City, Busan. Focus on forehead, skin, lip, and chin.
Model showcasing layered hair and bangs at Juno Hair Salon in Centum City, Busan. Nose, lip, shoulder, eyelash, jaw, neck, and sleeve details.
Model with styled hair showcasing facial features, including forehead, nose, cheeks, lips, chin, eyebrows, eyes, eyelashes, and jaw, at Juno Hair Salon in Centum City Station, Busan.
Model showcasing Juno Hair's latest styles at Centum City Station in Busan, wearing an elegant dress shirt and outerwear, with a focus on her face, hair, lips, and eyebrow.

    JUNO HAIR(Centum City店)| 釜山髮型屋

    HKD 763.23
    • DEPRECATED_DollarIcon支付訂金,現場補足差額
    • DEPRECATED_NoRefundIcon體驗日3日前,無法進行任何退改
    • DEPRECATED_PhoneIcon只需出示手機預約憑證
    • DEPRECATED_CalendarIcon需於指定日期進場
    • DEPRECATED_LanguageIcon提供英文服務
    • ShieldDayIcon1日內確認預約


    • JUNO HAIR喺韓國係一間好出名髮型屋,呢度嘅設計師好識捉到客人嘅心,會幫大家設計一個符合客人形象嘅造型。
    • 呢度嘅價格都係明碼實價,唔會因為係外國人就收多。
    • 好多遊客嚟韓國都會去JUNO HAIR剪返個韓仔/韓妹頭,外國客人多,所以職員都可以用簡單英文溝通。
    • 建議去到場時可以先諗好剪邊款,方便同髮型師溝通。
    • JUNO HAIR同Creatrip獨家合作,除咗剪髮之外,預約電髮、護髮、染髮都可享9折優惠。



              • 透過我哋預約可享9折優惠。
              • 預約時需要支付訂金,體驗當日將會收取餘下金額。
              • 只接受體驗3日前取消或更改預約,其後恕不受理。
              • 髮型師可以用簡單英文溝通,如有需要請用翻譯器。
              • 如果未諗到點整,髮型師會推薦適合你嘅髮型。
              • 請按照到訪人數進行預約。
              • 可以同時預約2個或以上項目。
              • 本頁面所標示嘅價錢以韓幣為準,港幣幣值會因應即時匯率而浮動。
              • 想更改預約,請send email到help@creatrip.com。


              FilledLocationIcon부산 해운대구 센텀중앙로 48
              • 電話051-747-6055
              • 營業時間
                  01.01 ~ 12.31
                  01.01 ~ 12.31 DEPRECATED_ArrowIcon

              50 個評價




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              JUNO HAIR(Centum City店)| 釜山髮型屋