Smiling model with trendy hairstyle, outerwear, and accessories at Juno Hair Salon in Centum City Station, Busan.
Smiling model with trendy hair and makeup, featuring eyebrows, eyes, and lips at Juno Hair in Centum City, Busan.
Model at Juno Hair Salon in Centum City Station, Busan, with a smiling expression, wearing outerwear, showing forehead, nose, lips, chin, eyebrows, and shoulders.
Model with a trendy hairstyle and a charming smile standing at the Juno Hair salon in Centum City, Busan. Focus on forehead, skin, lip, and chin.
Model showcasing layered hair and bangs at Juno Hair Salon in Centum City, Busan. Nose, lip, shoulder, eyelash, jaw, neck, and sleeve details.
Model with styled hair showcasing facial features, including forehead, nose, cheeks, lips, chin, eyebrows, eyes, eyelashes, and jaw, at Juno Hair Salon in Centum City Station, Busan.
Model showcasing Juno Hair's latest styles at Centum City Station in Busan, wearing an elegant dress shirt and outerwear, with a focus on her face, hair, lips, and eyebrow.
Smiling model with trendy hairstyle, outerwear, and accessories at Juno Hair Salon in Centum City Station, Busan.
Smiling model with trendy hair and makeup, featuring eyebrows, eyes, and lips at Juno Hair in Centum City, Busan.
Model at Juno Hair Salon in Centum City Station, Busan, with a smiling expression, wearing outerwear, showing forehead, nose, lips, chin, eyebrows, and shoulders.
Model with a trendy hairstyle and a charming smile standing at the Juno Hair salon in Centum City, Busan. Focus on forehead, skin, lip, and chin.
Model showcasing layered hair and bangs at Juno Hair Salon in Centum City, Busan. Nose, lip, shoulder, eyelash, jaw, neck, and sleeve details.
Model with styled hair showcasing facial features, including forehead, nose, cheeks, lips, chin, eyebrows, eyes, eyelashes, and jaw, at Juno Hair Salon in Centum City Station, Busan.
Model showcasing Juno Hair's latest styles at Centum City Station in Busan, wearing an elegant dress shirt and outerwear, with a focus on her face, hair, lips, and eyebrow.
Smiling model with trendy hairstyle, outerwear, and accessories at Juno Hair Salon in Centum City Station, Busan.
Smiling model with trendy hair and makeup, featuring eyebrows, eyes, and lips at Juno Hair in Centum City, Busan.
Model at Juno Hair Salon in Centum City Station, Busan, with a smiling expression, wearing outerwear, showing forehead, nose, lips, chin, eyebrows, and shoulders.
Model with a trendy hairstyle and a charming smile standing at the Juno Hair salon in Centum City, Busan. Focus on forehead, skin, lip, and chin.
Model showcasing layered hair and bangs at Juno Hair Salon in Centum City, Busan. Nose, lip, shoulder, eyelash, jaw, neck, and sleeve details.
Model with styled hair showcasing facial features, including forehead, nose, cheeks, lips, chin, eyebrows, eyes, eyelashes, and jaw, at Juno Hair Salon in Centum City Station, Busan.
Model showcasing Juno Hair's latest styles at Centum City Station in Busan, wearing an elegant dress shirt and outerwear, with a focus on her face, hair, lips, and eyebrow.
Smiling model with trendy hairstyle, outerwear, and accessories at Juno Hair Salon in Centum City Station, Busan.
Smiling model with trendy hair and makeup, featuring eyebrows, eyes, and lips at Juno Hair in Centum City, Busan.
Model at Juno Hair Salon in Centum City Station, Busan, with a smiling expression, wearing outerwear, showing forehead, nose, lips, chin, eyebrows, and shoulders.
Model with a trendy hairstyle and a charming smile standing at the Juno Hair salon in Centum City, Busan. Focus on forehead, skin, lip, and chin.
Model showcasing layered hair and bangs at Juno Hair Salon in Centum City, Busan. Nose, lip, shoulder, eyelash, jaw, neck, and sleeve details.
Smiling model with trendy hairstyle, outerwear, and accessories at Juno Hair Salon in Centum City Station, Busan.
Smiling model with trendy hair and makeup, featuring eyebrows, eyes, and lips at Juno Hair in Centum City, Busan.
Model at Juno Hair Salon in Centum City Station, Busan, with a smiling expression, wearing outerwear, showing forehead, nose, lips, chin, eyebrows, and shoulders.
Model with a trendy hairstyle and a charming smile standing at the Juno Hair salon in Centum City, Busan. Focus on forehead, skin, lip, and chin.
Model showcasing layered hair and bangs at Juno Hair Salon in Centum City, Busan. Nose, lip, shoulder, eyelash, jaw, neck, and sleeve details.
Model with styled hair showcasing facial features, including forehead, nose, cheeks, lips, chin, eyebrows, eyes, eyelashes, and jaw, at Juno Hair Salon in Centum City Station, Busan.
Model showcasing Juno Hair's latest styles at Centum City Station in Busan, wearing an elegant dress shirt and outerwear, with a focus on her face, hair, lips, and eyebrow.
Smiling model with trendy hairstyle, outerwear, and accessories at Juno Hair Salon in Centum City Station, Busan.
Smiling model with trendy hair and makeup, featuring eyebrows, eyes, and lips at Juno Hair in Centum City, Busan.
Model at Juno Hair Salon in Centum City Station, Busan, with a smiling expression, wearing outerwear, showing forehead, nose, lips, chin, eyebrows, and shoulders.
Model with a trendy hairstyle and a charming smile standing at the Juno Hair salon in Centum City, Busan. Focus on forehead, skin, lip, and chin.
Model showcasing layered hair and bangs at Juno Hair Salon in Centum City, Busan. Nose, lip, shoulder, eyelash, jaw, neck, and sleeve details.
Model with styled hair showcasing facial features, including forehead, nose, cheeks, lips, chin, eyebrows, eyes, eyelashes, and jaw, at Juno Hair Salon in Centum City Station, Busan.
Model showcasing Juno Hair's latest styles at Centum City Station in Busan, wearing an elegant dress shirt and outerwear, with a focus on her face, hair, lips, and eyebrow.
Smiling model with trendy hairstyle, outerwear, and accessories at Juno Hair Salon in Centum City Station, Busan.
Smiling model with trendy hair and makeup, featuring eyebrows, eyes, and lips at Juno Hair in Centum City, Busan.
Model at Juno Hair Salon in Centum City Station, Busan, with a smiling expression, wearing outerwear, showing forehead, nose, lips, chin, eyebrows, and shoulders.
Model with a trendy hairstyle and a charming smile standing at the Juno Hair salon in Centum City, Busan. Focus on forehead, skin, lip, and chin.
Model showcasing layered hair and bangs at Juno Hair Salon in Centum City, Busan. Nose, lip, shoulder, eyelash, jaw, neck, and sleeve details.
Model with styled hair showcasing facial features, including forehead, nose, cheeks, lips, chin, eyebrows, eyes, eyelashes, and jaw, at Juno Hair Salon in Centum City Station, Busan.
Model showcasing Juno Hair's latest styles at Centum City Station in Busan, wearing an elegant dress shirt and outerwear, with a focus on her face, hair, lips, and eyebrow.

    JUNO HAIR(Centum City店)

    TWD 3,1803534


    • DEPRECATED_DollarIcon支付訂金,現場補足差額
    • DEPRECATED_NoRefundIcon3日內無法退改
    • DEPRECATED_PhoneIcon只需出示手機預約憑證
    • DEPRECATED_CalendarIcon需於指定日期進場
    • DEPRECATED_LanguageIcon可英文服務
    • ShieldDayIcon1日內確認訂單


    • JUNO HAIR是韓國最為知名的連鎖美髮品牌,在韓國認知度相當高。為了維持服務品質、提升品牌價值,JUNO HAIR分店都是由總公司進行營運,設計師訓練、指派也都是由總部管理,品質十分完美。
    • 跟小眾美髮品牌比較起來,JUNO HAIR價格可能偏高一點,但一分錢一分貨,每個人都能在這裡找到最適合自己的髮型、煥然一新。
    • Creatrip中有幾位職員一直以來都在同一間JUNO HAIR分店打理造型,除了習慣,更是因為店家的細心與優良技術,擄獲了愛美的韓國人的心。
    • 線上預約不只能享有折扣、讓行程不耽誤,我們也是JUNO HAIR唯一指定的特約平台,提供給廣大喜愛韓國美髮的朋友們優惠。







              • 剪髮無需預約,其餘項目預約需支付訂金(₩10,000)以享有折扣,現場扣除訂金後結帳。
              • 美髮時間根據項目不同,所需時間為1小時至3小時以上。
              • 美髮價格根據髮質、髮長、是否褪染過、造型師等級、使用產品、分店不同而有差異,請於開始前主動向店家確認完整價格,若有疑問,請於美髮開始前提出。


              • 請提前2至60天預約,可預訂時間以系統為主。
              • 最終退改期限為預約日期前3天,請來信help@creatrip.com。


              • 提供簡單英文服務,也建議使用翻譯App具體表達個人想法。
              • 若無明確想要的造型,專業設計師將協助推薦適合五官與氣質的髮型。
              • 若遲到超過10分鐘,視同取消預約而不另行退款。
              • 請按人頭數預約,一人單次亦可進行2個(含)以上項目。


              FilledLocationIcon부산 해운대구 센텀중앙로 48
              • 電話051-747-6055
              • 營業時間
                  01.01 ~ 12.31
                  01.01 ~ 12.31 DEPRECATED_ArrowIcon

              50 則評論




              合訂優惠更划算 -Infinity%


              合訂優惠更划算 -Infinity%
              JUNO HAIR(Centum City店)