Smiling model with trendy hairstyle, outerwear, and accessories at Juno Hair Salon in Centum City Station, Busan.
Smiling model with trendy hair and makeup, featuring eyebrows, eyes, and lips at Juno Hair in Centum City, Busan.
Model at Juno Hair Salon in Centum City Station, Busan, with a smiling expression, wearing outerwear, showing forehead, nose, lips, chin, eyebrows, and shoulders.
Model with a trendy hairstyle and a charming smile standing at the Juno Hair salon in Centum City, Busan. Focus on forehead, skin, lip, and chin.
Model showcasing layered hair and bangs at Juno Hair Salon in Centum City, Busan. Nose, lip, shoulder, eyelash, jaw, neck, and sleeve details.
Model with styled hair showcasing facial features, including forehead, nose, cheeks, lips, chin, eyebrows, eyes, eyelashes, and jaw, at Juno Hair Salon in Centum City Station, Busan.
Model showcasing Juno Hair's latest styles at Centum City Station in Busan, wearing an elegant dress shirt and outerwear, with a focus on her face, hair, lips, and eyebrow.
Smiling model with trendy hairstyle, outerwear, and accessories at Juno Hair Salon in Centum City Station, Busan.
Smiling model with trendy hair and makeup, featuring eyebrows, eyes, and lips at Juno Hair in Centum City, Busan.
Model at Juno Hair Salon in Centum City Station, Busan, with a smiling expression, wearing outerwear, showing forehead, nose, lips, chin, eyebrows, and shoulders.
Model with a trendy hairstyle and a charming smile standing at the Juno Hair salon in Centum City, Busan. Focus on forehead, skin, lip, and chin.
Model showcasing layered hair and bangs at Juno Hair Salon in Centum City, Busan. Nose, lip, shoulder, eyelash, jaw, neck, and sleeve details.
Model with styled hair showcasing facial features, including forehead, nose, cheeks, lips, chin, eyebrows, eyes, eyelashes, and jaw, at Juno Hair Salon in Centum City Station, Busan.
Model showcasing Juno Hair's latest styles at Centum City Station in Busan, wearing an elegant dress shirt and outerwear, with a focus on her face, hair, lips, and eyebrow.
Smiling model with trendy hairstyle, outerwear, and accessories at Juno Hair Salon in Centum City Station, Busan.
Smiling model with trendy hair and makeup, featuring eyebrows, eyes, and lips at Juno Hair in Centum City, Busan.
Model at Juno Hair Salon in Centum City Station, Busan, with a smiling expression, wearing outerwear, showing forehead, nose, lips, chin, eyebrows, and shoulders.
Model with a trendy hairstyle and a charming smile standing at the Juno Hair salon in Centum City, Busan. Focus on forehead, skin, lip, and chin.
Model showcasing layered hair and bangs at Juno Hair Salon in Centum City, Busan. Nose, lip, shoulder, eyelash, jaw, neck, and sleeve details.
Model with styled hair showcasing facial features, including forehead, nose, cheeks, lips, chin, eyebrows, eyes, eyelashes, and jaw, at Juno Hair Salon in Centum City Station, Busan.
Model showcasing Juno Hair's latest styles at Centum City Station in Busan, wearing an elegant dress shirt and outerwear, with a focus on her face, hair, lips, and eyebrow.
Smiling model with trendy hairstyle, outerwear, and accessories at Juno Hair Salon in Centum City Station, Busan.
Smiling model with trendy hair and makeup, featuring eyebrows, eyes, and lips at Juno Hair in Centum City, Busan.
Model at Juno Hair Salon in Centum City Station, Busan, with a smiling expression, wearing outerwear, showing forehead, nose, lips, chin, eyebrows, and shoulders.
Model with a trendy hairstyle and a charming smile standing at the Juno Hair salon in Centum City, Busan. Focus on forehead, skin, lip, and chin.
Model showcasing layered hair and bangs at Juno Hair Salon in Centum City, Busan. Nose, lip, shoulder, eyelash, jaw, neck, and sleeve details.
Smiling model with trendy hairstyle, outerwear, and accessories at Juno Hair Salon in Centum City Station, Busan.
Smiling model with trendy hair and makeup, featuring eyebrows, eyes, and lips at Juno Hair in Centum City, Busan.
Model at Juno Hair Salon in Centum City Station, Busan, with a smiling expression, wearing outerwear, showing forehead, nose, lips, chin, eyebrows, and shoulders.
Model with a trendy hairstyle and a charming smile standing at the Juno Hair salon in Centum City, Busan. Focus on forehead, skin, lip, and chin.
Model showcasing layered hair and bangs at Juno Hair Salon in Centum City, Busan. Nose, lip, shoulder, eyelash, jaw, neck, and sleeve details.
Model with styled hair showcasing facial features, including forehead, nose, cheeks, lips, chin, eyebrows, eyes, eyelashes, and jaw, at Juno Hair Salon in Centum City Station, Busan.
Model showcasing Juno Hair's latest styles at Centum City Station in Busan, wearing an elegant dress shirt and outerwear, with a focus on her face, hair, lips, and eyebrow.
Smiling model with trendy hairstyle, outerwear, and accessories at Juno Hair Salon in Centum City Station, Busan.
Smiling model with trendy hair and makeup, featuring eyebrows, eyes, and lips at Juno Hair in Centum City, Busan.
Model at Juno Hair Salon in Centum City Station, Busan, with a smiling expression, wearing outerwear, showing forehead, nose, lips, chin, eyebrows, and shoulders.
Model with a trendy hairstyle and a charming smile standing at the Juno Hair salon in Centum City, Busan. Focus on forehead, skin, lip, and chin.
Model showcasing layered hair and bangs at Juno Hair Salon in Centum City, Busan. Nose, lip, shoulder, eyelash, jaw, neck, and sleeve details.
Model with styled hair showcasing facial features, including forehead, nose, cheeks, lips, chin, eyebrows, eyes, eyelashes, and jaw, at Juno Hair Salon in Centum City Station, Busan.
Model showcasing Juno Hair's latest styles at Centum City Station in Busan, wearing an elegant dress shirt and outerwear, with a focus on her face, hair, lips, and eyebrow.
Smiling model with trendy hairstyle, outerwear, and accessories at Juno Hair Salon in Centum City Station, Busan.
Smiling model with trendy hair and makeup, featuring eyebrows, eyes, and lips at Juno Hair in Centum City, Busan.
Model at Juno Hair Salon in Centum City Station, Busan, with a smiling expression, wearing outerwear, showing forehead, nose, lips, chin, eyebrows, and shoulders.
Model with a trendy hairstyle and a charming smile standing at the Juno Hair salon in Centum City, Busan. Focus on forehead, skin, lip, and chin.
Model showcasing layered hair and bangs at Juno Hair Salon in Centum City, Busan. Nose, lip, shoulder, eyelash, jaw, neck, and sleeve details.
Model with styled hair showcasing facial features, including forehead, nose, cheeks, lips, chin, eyebrows, eyes, eyelashes, and jaw, at Juno Hair Salon in Centum City Station, Busan.
Model showcasing Juno Hair's latest styles at Centum City Station in Busan, wearing an elegant dress shirt and outerwear, with a focus on her face, hair, lips, and eyebrow.

    釜山美容室予約|JUNO HAIR センタムシティ駅店

    ¥ 15,350
    最大227 ポイント
    • DEPRECATED_DollarIcon保証金決済[差額は現地決済]
    • DEPRECATED_NoRefundIcon予約日の3日前までキャンセル及び払い戻し可能
    • DEPRECATED_PhoneIconモバイル予約証またはバウチャー
    • DEPRECATED_CalendarIcon日付指定チケット
    • DEPRECATED_LanguageIcon英語可能
    • ShieldDayIcon1日以内に予約確定


    • ジュノヘアー(JUNO HAIR)はプレミアムビューティサービスを追求する韓国No.1のヘアサロンブランドです。韓国人の中で認知度が高いです。
    • サービスクオリティを維持しブランド価値を高めるために、全支店を本社が運営しており、デザイナー、イベント、教育など細かい部分まで本社で管理しています。
    • 他の美容院よりも価格が少し高いですが、その分お客様に合ったヘアスタイルを見つける価値のあるヘアブランドです。
    • Creatripにも7年間JUNO HAIRにだけ通っている社員もいます。
    • 現在外国人のお客様が予約をする場合に割引特典を受けられるのはCreatripだけです。



              • Creatrip予約者に限り現地決済金額の10%が割引されます。(予約金₩5,000は割引対象ではありません)
              • 予約変更およびキャンセルは施術日3日前まで可能です。それ以降にキャンセルする場合ご返金できかねます。
              • 予約変更またはその他問い合わせはhelp@creatrip.comまでご連絡ください。
              • 上記の価格は各施術の平均価格です。紙の長さや傷み具合、デザイナーによって現地にて追加料金が発生する場合があります。
              • 該当店舗は基本的に英語にてコミュニケーションが可能ですが、ご希望を詳しく伝えるために翻訳機を使うことも可能です。
              • 希望のスタイルが決まっていない場合は現地にて担当デザイナーが、顔の形や雰囲気に合わせたヘアスタイルをおすすめしてくれます。
              • 訪問される人数に合わせて商品をご予約ください。
              • 1名で2つ以上の商品をご予約される場合には問題がありません。


              FilledLocationIcon부산 해운대구 센텀중앙로 48
              • 電話051-747-6055
              • 営業時間
                  01.01 ~ 12.31
                  01.01 ~ 12.31 DEPRECATED_ArrowIcon

              50 レビュー

              最大 227 ポイントプレゼント



              もっとお得なパッケージ商品をご覧になりますか? -Infinity%


              もっとお得なパッケージ商品をご覧になりますか? -Infinity%
              釜山美容室予約|JUNO HAIR センタムシティ駅店