
Seoul Travel Recommendation: Bukchon Hanok Village

10 months ago
I visited the Bukchon Hanok Village, located in the heart of Seoul. 

I heard that Gyeongbokgung Palace and Gwanghwamun are also nearby, so we decided to explore them if we had time.

We headed towards Anguk Station to get to the Hanok Village. 

Once we arrived at Anguk Station, we could see several paths leading to the Hanok Village. 

The sky was clear, and the weather was cool.

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We followed the side street next to the museum and went uphill. 
As we ascended, we could see walking trails and various restaurants scattered along the way.

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While going up the road, we spotted a restaurant that looked delicious, so we had a quick meal there and continued along the path. After about 10-15 minutes, we reached a library, and we decided to take a break and went inside.

The library was beautifully decorated, almost like a park, and it took us by surprise. It would have been nice to sit on one of the benches and enjoy some leisure time.

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After passing the library, as we continued a little further uphill, we could see various shops. 

I also took the opportunity to look around and explore different places.

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In every alley, there were plenty of delicious snacks being sold and many interesting shops. 

Moreover, it was fascinating to see traditional Korean buildings scattered throughout the Bukchon Hanok Village. It was an enjoyable experience.

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On the way back after touring the Hanok Village, we had a glimpse of Gyeongbokgung Palace, and next to the palace, there were also various museums and exhibition halls.

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They were selling many quaint and charming items, and if you have the time, it would be nice to take a look around and explore them.

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Overall, it was fascinating to witness the contrast between traditional Korean buildings and the high-rise buildings in the heart of Seoul. 

It allowed for a unique contrast, where you could see both the past and present of Seoul. 

It was a wonderful time to experience the blend of Seoul's history and its modernity.

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