Happy woman in electric blue hanbok dress poses in front of Gyeongbokgung Hanbok rental shop, under a clear sky.
Women in hanbok and outerwear browse through plants at Gyeongbokgung rental shop.
A woman in traditional Korean hanbok clothing standing outside a temple rental shop, adorned with embellishments and sweeping sleeves.
Happy people enjoy leisure time in nature, wearing hanbok and dresses, while surrounded by greenery and sunlight.
Palace Fox Hanbok
Palace Fox Hanbok
Palace Fox Hanbok
A blue hanbok gown hangs on mannequin at Gyeongbokgung hanbok rental shop for shopping and formal wear.
traditional Korean hanbok stands in a boutique filled with one-piece garments, clothes hangers, and retail items. Gyeongbokgung hanbok rental shop provides options for formal wear and fashion enthusiasts.
Interior of Gyeongbokgung hanbok rental shop with wood building and hangers showcasing one-piece garments for formal wear and day dresses.
Happy woman in electric blue hanbok dress poses in front of Gyeongbokgung Hanbok rental shop, under a clear sky.
Women in hanbok and outerwear browse through plants at Gyeongbokgung rental shop.
A woman in traditional Korean hanbok clothing standing outside a temple rental shop, adorned with embellishments and sweeping sleeves.
Happy people enjoy leisure time in nature, wearing hanbok and dresses, while surrounded by greenery and sunlight.
Palace Fox Hanbok
Palace Fox Hanbok
Palace Fox Hanbok
A blue hanbok gown hangs on mannequin at Gyeongbokgung hanbok rental shop for shopping and formal wear.
traditional Korean hanbok stands in a boutique filled with one-piece garments, clothes hangers, and retail items. Gyeongbokgung hanbok rental shop provides options for formal wear and fashion enthusiasts.
Interior of Gyeongbokgung hanbok rental shop with wood building and hangers showcasing one-piece garments for formal wear and day dresses.
Happy woman in electric blue hanbok dress poses in front of Gyeongbokgung Hanbok rental shop, under a clear sky.
Women in hanbok and outerwear browse through plants at Gyeongbokgung rental shop.
A woman in traditional Korean hanbok clothing standing outside a temple rental shop, adorned with embellishments and sweeping sleeves.
Happy people enjoy leisure time in nature, wearing hanbok and dresses, while surrounded by greenery and sunlight.
Palace Fox Hanbok
Palace Fox Hanbok
Palace Fox Hanbok
A blue hanbok gown hangs on mannequin at Gyeongbokgung hanbok rental shop for shopping and formal wear.
traditional Korean hanbok stands in a boutique filled with one-piece garments, clothes hangers, and retail items. Gyeongbokgung hanbok rental shop provides options for formal wear and fashion enthusiasts.
Interior of Gyeongbokgung hanbok rental shop with wood building and hangers showcasing one-piece garments for formal wear and day dresses.
Happy woman in electric blue hanbok dress poses in front of Gyeongbokgung Hanbok rental shop, under a clear sky.
Women in hanbok and outerwear browse through plants at Gyeongbokgung rental shop.
A woman in traditional Korean hanbok clothing standing outside a temple rental shop, adorned with embellishments and sweeping sleeves.
Happy people enjoy leisure time in nature, wearing hanbok and dresses, while surrounded by greenery and sunlight.
Happy woman in electric blue hanbok dress poses in front of Gyeongbokgung Hanbok rental shop, under a clear sky.
Women in hanbok and outerwear browse through plants at Gyeongbokgung rental shop.
A woman in traditional Korean hanbok clothing standing outside a temple rental shop, adorned with embellishments and sweeping sleeves.
Happy people enjoy leisure time in nature, wearing hanbok and dresses, while surrounded by greenery and sunlight.
Palace Fox Hanbok
Palace Fox Hanbok
Palace Fox Hanbok
A blue hanbok gown hangs on mannequin at Gyeongbokgung hanbok rental shop for shopping and formal wear.
traditional Korean hanbok stands in a boutique filled with one-piece garments, clothes hangers, and retail items. Gyeongbokgung hanbok rental shop provides options for formal wear and fashion enthusiasts.
Interior of Gyeongbokgung hanbok rental shop with wood building and hangers showcasing one-piece garments for formal wear and day dresses.
Happy woman in electric blue hanbok dress poses in front of Gyeongbokgung Hanbok rental shop, under a clear sky.
Women in hanbok and outerwear browse through plants at Gyeongbokgung rental shop.
A woman in traditional Korean hanbok clothing standing outside a temple rental shop, adorned with embellishments and sweeping sleeves.
Happy people enjoy leisure time in nature, wearing hanbok and dresses, while surrounded by greenery and sunlight.
Palace Fox Hanbok
Palace Fox Hanbok
Palace Fox Hanbok
A blue hanbok gown hangs on mannequin at Gyeongbokgung hanbok rental shop for shopping and formal wear.
traditional Korean hanbok stands in a boutique filled with one-piece garments, clothes hangers, and retail items. Gyeongbokgung hanbok rental shop provides options for formal wear and fashion enthusiasts.
Interior of Gyeongbokgung hanbok rental shop with wood building and hangers showcasing one-piece garments for formal wear and day dresses.
Happy woman in electric blue hanbok dress poses in front of Gyeongbokgung Hanbok rental shop, under a clear sky.
Women in hanbok and outerwear browse through plants at Gyeongbokgung rental shop.
A woman in traditional Korean hanbok clothing standing outside a temple rental shop, adorned with embellishments and sweeping sleeves.
Happy people enjoy leisure time in nature, wearing hanbok and dresses, while surrounded by greenery and sunlight.
Palace Fox Hanbok
Palace Fox Hanbok
Palace Fox Hanbok
A blue hanbok gown hangs on mannequin at Gyeongbokgung hanbok rental shop for shopping and formal wear.
traditional Korean hanbok stands in a boutique filled with one-piece garments, clothes hangers, and retail items. Gyeongbokgung hanbok rental shop provides options for formal wear and fashion enthusiasts.
Interior of Gyeongbokgung hanbok rental shop with wood building and hangers showcasing one-piece garments for formal wear and day dresses.

    Gyeongbokgung Hanbok Experience at Palace Fox Hanbok Rental

    USD 7.23
    Instant Book
    Payment instantly confirms the reservation
    Maximum 0.39 Points
    Maximum amount of points you can get per 1 option.
    • DEPRECATED_NoRefundIconFree cancel 3 days before the reservation date
    • DEPRECATED_PhoneIconMobile reservation card or voucher
    • DEPRECATED_CalendarIconDate specific ticket
    • DEPRECATED_LanguageIconChinese Available
    • DEPRECATED_LanguageIconEnglish Available



    👍 99% of customers are satisfied

    The shop assistants are very friendly and can communicate in Chinese. Although there are a few styles, I still like them very much. They are very beautiful. You can also pay for small bags and hand props and hats, which can be borrowed for free. The location is at Gyeongbokgung Station. Just next to it! Although there is still a long way to go to the scenic spot, it is very convenient! After returning my clothes, I went straight to eat ginseng chicken soup. It’s so close and convenient😻
    Highly recommended. I have been here twice. The boss and the store staff have very good service. I am very satisfied.
    The staff at this store are super patient❤️The little sisters will explain in detail❤️The key point is that they are very quick with their hands and feet and are very easy to communicate!
    The little sister who served me is Chinese. She has no difficulty in communication. She is also very gentle and patient. She will help me choose a suitable top according to the pattern of my skirt. It is a very happy experience. Thank you very much for this platform!
    The hair braiding by the service staff is really beautiful🥰


    • Open for the 2024 Gyeongbokgung Palace Night Viewings.
    1. By making a reservation through Creatrip, you will be able to rent a free skirt, inner skirt, hair accessories, earmuffs, etc. 
    2. The Palace Fox Hanbok stands out for its unique Hanbok style and collection. 
    3. Palace Fox has more than 500 pieces of modern Hanbok. You will find the biggest collection of gold-printed Hanbok than any other store in the neighborhood. 
    4. Palace Fox has various Hanbok for both males and females. 
    5. There is plenty of matching Hanbok for couples. When you come to Gyeongbokgung Palace, you can visit Palace Fox to rent matching Hanbok for friends, family, and couples. 
    6. There is Chinese staff who can help you communicate. The clerk will make helpful suggestions for you to choose the best Hanbok and hairstyle.


          How To Use

          • Same day rentals are possible but please keep in mind the rental times and be sure to return the Hanbok on time.
          • You do not need to pay a deposit for the rentals but will need to store your passport/identification card as a deposit.
          • There are no photography/makeup styling services at Palace Fox.
          • You can try on 2 sets of hanboks for 30 minutes before choosing your final option. If your time exceeds 30 minutes, additional charges may apply.
          • Women's hanboks range from 2XS to 3XL and men's hanbok range from 95 to 110. However, hanbok sizes are different from standard size measurements so keep that in mind.
          • If you wish to make changes to your reservation after it is confirmed, please cancel and rebook.
          • Prices may vary from what's displayed below depending on the store's special offers.

          Cancelation Policy

          • Cancellations or changes to the reservation may be made up to three days before the scheduled reservation time. After this, you cannot change or cancel the reservation and refunds are no longer available.

          Things To Keep In Mind

          • There is an employee that speaks English and Chinese.
          • If your rental period goes over time, you need to contact the store by phone, Kakaotalk, or SNS in advance and pay the fee on the spot. For every 2 hours of overtime, an additional 5,000 KRW will be charged. If there is no prior notice, 2,000 KRW will be charged for every 10 minutes. (24,000 KRW for 2 hours)

          Store Info

          FilledLocationIcon서울 종로구 자하문로 3 B1
          Place Name
          • Call02-722-2318
          • Hours Of Operation
              09.01 ~ 12.31
              09.01 ~ 12.31 DEPRECATED_ArrowIcon

          Nearby Subway Station
          Line 3
          Line 5

          446 Reviews

          RecommendIcon99% of customers are satisfied


          Reviews from other sites

          S L2023.11.23
          The location is right next to the subway station, so it's easy to find. I chose a high-end Hanbok, and there were so many different styles on site! Store staff will assist with matching and recommendations, and hair braiding services are also provided for a fee. There are Chinese-speaking clerks in the store, so there are no language problems and it's a great experience!

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